About Therapeutic Yoga
Many of us struggle to balance family life, work, exercise and leisure resulting in our life being out of balance. We disconnect from our feelings, intuition and most importantly from our hearts, losing sight of who we are as individuals and of our hopes and dreams. We can be at risk of constantly using our intellectual intelligence and losing sight of our emotional intelligence. We are constantly up in our heads and not in our bodies or our hearts.
Our hearts and our higher knowledge are much wiser than our minds, but many of us have forgotten how to listen. If you have had traumatic experiences, extreme stress or relationship wounds our capacity to function adaptively according to our senses and where we are spatially becomes limited, as our brains are rewired to scan for constant threat.
The goal of Thera Yoga is to find our way back, back inside to our hearts, back home! Remembering our essence, remembering who we are, our true nature. In order to do this we have to slow down and become still to be really present. We heal by peeling back the layers of our thinking mind, unlearning the belief systems that have created deep patterns that we think of as who we are, learning how to dive into the possibility of living in the moment and of pure sensing and being instead of doing.
When journeying towards peeling back the layers of conditioned response, we re-learn to allow our nervous system to work adaptively. We make space to remember what we want and need and what makes us happy and fulfilled.
Choosing to experience a felt sense of your body release tension, letting go, creates new neural circuitry. With continued repetition over time, it becomes a new way of being, of seeing the world.
Yoga is a combination of activation and relaxation of the central nervous system. The practice provides us with balance, grounding and feeling stability. This allows for neural firing and wiring.
Classes are available by joining a 6 week course, purchasing the previously recorded course, or one to one options bookable through our therapy page.
Thera Yoga also has a range of yoga classes that you are welcome to join - Coming Soon
Thera Foundation Co Founder Martine Coates (McDougall) talks about Thera Yoga.
Background music kindly supplied by RelaxingTime
The benefits of yoga
Increased flexibility in body and mind
Learning to make intuitive choices
Opportunities to Neuroplasticity
Opportunities to take effective action
Reminding your nervous system to work adaptively and functionally
Reducing fear / threat drive
Re-learn to trust yourself
Mental and physical strength, vitality and health
Increases mindfulness and body awareness
Strengthening of the immune system
Massages internal organs
Regulates the central nervous system
Increases focus & concentration abilities
Increases self-confidence
Improves positive thinking and mind set
Becoming clear about your life purpose
Deeper connection with your emotions and heart
Increased awareness & consciousness in everyday life
Strengthens self esteem
Develops patience and tolerance
Develop enhanced Emotional attunement
Inner calmness and balance
Learning to listen to your body
Trusting your intuition
Courses & Classes we offer:
Thera Yoga offers a variety of therapeutic yoga courses including Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Yoga for Anxiety and a Thera Yoga class which incorporates the principles of both Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Yoga for Anxiety as an ongoing practice to continue to enhance Neuroplasticity. Find out more about these below: