Training and Mentorships at Thera Foundation offer a holistic approach, we offer a variety of Training and Mentorship programs. You are in safe hands with our highly experienced teachers at Thera Foundation.



“I am forever grateful for the experience I had with Martine during the mentorship program.  Martine was incredibly generous with her knowledge, experiences and time. Martine was very emphatic as a mentor and gave me insights that were not only rooted in scientific, evidence-based findings but also her rich experiences spanning over many years. This isn't a mentorship that can be repeated by anyone that isn't Martine, and this is only one of the reasons I am glad I came across The Yoga Clinic and the work Martine is doing. In terms of the impact the mentorship has had on me, I came out the other side still the same person but so much more aware of myself, what I bring into the room I teach in and my effect on others.  I learned so much about myself not only as a teacher, but as a person in the world and the lessons will always continue - the mentorship has gifted me with tools to approach things differently. I teach very differently post the program with Martine and I can't explain how proud I am to be teaching the way I do now.  Seeing the world through a trauma lens and being aware of my own traumas has given me the skills to create a genuinely safe space for those who chose to allow me to teach them. I emphatically recommend this mentorship to anyone that would like to explore an evidence-based therapeutic path of yoga teaching but also to anyone who would like to further understand themselves, their biases, behaviours and internalised belief systems. Martine is a wonderful and genuine person who is generous with her abundant knowledge from years of study and professional experiences. She is a dedicated Yogi and an excellent mentor. I cannot recommend this mentorship program enough, it is one of the best decisions I have ever made and the echoes of which have yet to cease.”

Ash, Mentorship Student

I recently had a lived experience of a personal situation - my best friend was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. As a yoga teacher who had basic knowledge of how trauma can affect your body I was inspired to find training in trauma-informed yoga creating a spark and a yearning to deeper understand how it can affect us. Martine's course was exactly what I was after. Not only was this course recommended to me by another highly respected Yoga Teacher but when I met Martine I felt so at ease. She is the most approachable and empathic person to learn from, she also teaches with a perfect mix of personal experiences and insights and scientific/backed knowledge from the Boston Trauma Centre. I have always been interested in human behaviour and as a designer completing my masters by completing this course with Martine it formed the basis of my research project and the desire was to explore ways of assisting people who have experienced trauma using visual communication. Highly recommend this course for personal development, meeting awesome new friends and understanding more about how trauma affects our body. I strongly believe that if as a society we can be more trauma-aware we can come from a place of compassion and understanding to solve complex human issues that we all face in today's post-pandemic world.”


“I feel like this sort of training should be mandatory for all yoga teachers. I spent my first few years as a yoga student being told how I should feel and move in my own body. I now consider this sort of language as negligent, especially for anyone who has experienced trauma in their life. And let’s be honest, it would be hard to find some today who hasn’t had a traumatic experience in their lifetime.

The yoga teacher training market is saturated with unqualified teachers advertising this sort of training. I chose to do my training with Martine as she is qualified and extremely experienced in this field. I also appreciated that the training was mostly evidence based and not through the lens of some yoga teachers personal experience with trauma, depression or anxiety.

I highly recommend this training to all yoga teachers.”

Kylie, Evenflow Yoga and Lifestyle Medicine

“I am so very grateful that I found this training you offer. I am learning new language, understanding my body and brain and it is all immediately transferred to use for myself, at home and in my workplace. I can’t thank you enough. 

I’m really looking forward to the next module in May. 

I share all my new knowledge and movement skills with my children, my husband and today with my department work colleagues who think this is just fabulous and needs to be set up as a weekly session for both teachers and groups of students.”

Shelley, Teacher


Training & Mentorship